FIFTH AND LAST WORKSHOP OF THE 21-22 EDITION: A workshop to share what has been learnt

Last Friday, June 3rd, more than 50 people gathered at the Joxe Mari Korta Center in Donostia-San Sebastian to celebrate the last workshop of this edition of Ocean i3. The participants presented the results of the collective projects and shared everything they had learnt.

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Upon arrival, each participant filled out a sticker with their name, the languages they speak and the name of their challenge. Afterwards, the students and teachers met in teams to prepare the results that they later presented to their social agent. 

Meanwhile, the agents participated in an activity about learning awareness, designed by María Álvarez, professor and coordinator of the Value Creators program at the University of Windesheim (The Netherlands). This activity was aimed at reflecting on what was learned/experienced during the edition and consisted of drawing a doll and writing on its head, hands or heart, the knowledge (head), skills (hands) and emotions (heart) that have been acquired by participating in Ocean i3. 

At the end of this activity, all participants met again in teams and the students presented the final results to the agents. Then, they reflected on their work and prepared to present it to the Ocean i3 community.


Students, teachers and social agents working in teams

At 11:30 everyone gathered in the auditorium to attend the presentations. Nekane Belloki (UPV/EHU), Idoia Zarrazkin (UPV/EHU) and Itziar Rekalde (Euskampus) began began with an institutional opening that highlighted the contribution made by Ocean i3 to promote student learning in the key of the IKD i3 educational model aimed at enhancing the synergy between learning, research and sustainability. Then María Álvarez presented the results of the activity about learning awareness. In this activity, participants reflected on what they have learnt and felt by participating in Ocean i3. Some of the ideas that were highlighted were: awareness of ocean issues, better knowledge of new technologies, improvements in communication, negotiation skills, motivation, patience, satisfaction, curiosity…

Results obtained from the activity about learning awareness

This was followed by presentations of the final results of each team. There was an atmosphere of enthusiasm and nervousness to show the work done throughout the course. Despite the nerves, the presentations and the results were a success.

These were some of the main results:

SURFRIDER – “Discover marine pollution through our rivers and help us find solutions”:

  • Strategies to reduce pollution, using appropriate means for the correct disposal of waste.
  • To sensitise the population and raise awareness through the development of different methods, allowing us to reach the entire population, from the youngest children to adults.
  • Contribute to sustainability.
  • Disseminate sustainable living.

Web page to create and personalize reusable bottles created by Surfrider team.

GAIA + RIVAGES PROTECH – “Awareness of microplastics on the coast of Urdaibai”:

  • Design of an awareness campaign on ocean pollution by microplastics in the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve. For this purpose, a series of sensitizing images have been created.
  • Creation of a normative proposal. 
  • Collection and study of the different microplastics found in the sea.

Awareness-raising images for the microplastic pollution awareness campaign created by Gaia + Rivages ProTech team.

T.E.O – “How to mobilize citizens in a warning system after a storm “a gust of wind, a helping hand” (” un coup de vent, un coup main “) and thus gain in efficiency by collecting as much marine litter as possible in tide containers distributed along the coastline in collaboration with the social integration teams”:

  • Focusing T.E.O.’s communication and setting up a hub.
  • Improvement of the website so that the role of the organization is understood and to attract volunteers.
  • Proposal of communication actions to raise funds for T.E.O. (crowdfunding) and to make the brand known.
  • Establish a network of volunteers so that the public knows how to get involved with the organization and to build a community around T.E.O.

Prototype of the new T.E.O. website designed by the T.E.O. team.

MATER 1 – “EKOPATUILAK: Ecoactivating from and for the communities”:

  • Creation of a communication plan.
  • To take action within the communities: creation of editorial graphic products to serve as a tool and motivation within them.
  • Posters to advertise the ekopatruiak in the areas to be sensitized.
  • Promotional video of the ekopatruiak.
  • Social media
  • Press releases for local media

MATER 2 – “NETWORK OF ACTORS: Creating a network of actors to care for and protect the sea along the different river basins of Gipuzkoa”.

  • Creation of a logo, visual identity and corporate identity for the awards organized by Mater aiming to care for the environment in formal and non-formal contexts as a final result.

Visual and corporate identity created for the awards organized by Mater designed by the Mater 2 team.

MATER 3 – “WASTE: Seabin Pasaia: Study and monitoring of marine litter dispersed in the bay of Pasaia”:

  • Creation of a poster with the prototypes of different informative supports (website, corporate identity and infographics) and research (sample analysis).

Informative infographics designed by the Mater 3 team

DIPUTACIÓN FORAL DE GIPUZKOA – “Responsible and sustainable sport”:

  • A systematic review on the improvement of sport among teenagers aged 14 to 16 years.
  • A systematic review of the impact of pollution generated by the practice of sport.
  • Design, implementation and evaluation of an intervention with children in 4th grade of primary school.

In this edition we have had the support of 9 interns from the degree in Translation and Interpreting UPV/EHU who have facilitated multilingual communication by providing simultaneous translations in each team and in plenary for the whole community. The interns Jon Hidalgo and Ane Terrazas, simultaneously translated the presentations during the last workshop.

The whole Ocean i3 community gathered in the auditorium during the presentations.

During the presentations, each participant wrote down on a post-it note a message they would like to send to the sea. At the end of the workshop, all the post-its were collected in a mural and while everyone enjoyed lunch, the most outstanding ones were put in a glass bottle as a symbol of what we would like to say to the ocean. 

The mural and the bottle with the messages for the ocean

With the end of this workshop, the 21-22 edition of Ocean i3 comes to an end, so we want to thank all of you who have participated in this project. In addition to working on the projects and responding to the challenges posed, we have been collaboratively creating a multilingual glossary with the terms we have used and learned during these months. You can consult the glossary here.

Once again,  the multilingual dimension of the collaboration, the awareness of the different linguistic identities of the participants were evident  in the group interaction. An effort was made to operate in the different languages simultaneously, applying methodologies to organize the interaction between the different actors in a multilingual format. The community  is aware of this interaction, valuing empathy, active listening and the social and emotional commitment.

Check out the photos of the 5th workshop here.


And we continue…

Next stop: