Last Friday April 16, the teams of students formed by the different challenges met for more than 2 hours in order to present their prototypes to the social agent. In turn, they agreed on what will be delivered for the fifth and last workshop, on June 25.
The workshop was of great importance, as it allowed the teams to move forward with each of the projects, as well as receive feedback from the present social agents (Mater, UNSS and Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, Surfrider, Kutxa Ekogunea and GAIA et RIVAGES PRO TECH): In the first place, it was prepared a prototype presentation. Afterwards, the social agent enriched their corresponding teams with their contributions to the prototype. All this, while fulfilling the tasks provided on the Oktonine platform!
The limitations following the pandemic made the workshop to use 2 online platforms: On the one hand Gather, which allowed us to gather the Ocean i3 community remotely as we had done in a presence; and on the other hand, Mural (each team worked on its own visual board) was the resource to work collaboratively and also to document the entire work process of the teams with social agents.

Finally, multilingualism maintained its important role in this third meeting, being this a mark of identity for the project. There were numerous examples of true translanguaging, that is, to jump from one language to another in the same speech and by the same speaker. Naturally, speakers took full advantage of their linguistic repertoire to communicate effectively. In addition, thanks to the support of the team of the UPV/EHU of French for Specific Objectives – FOS, the communication was possible in four languages (Spanish, French, Basque and English) allowing us to work in a free, multicultural and effective communication environment.