On Tuesday, July 12, the official presentation of the crossing of the Saltillo, ship of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, took place at the Itsasmuseum in Bilbao.

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The day before the official presentation,  the crew met at the School of Nautical Engineering of the UPV/EHU where they were able to get to know each other better. To do so, they carried out an activity in which they had to represent themselves with lego pieces. They also received some multilingualism guidelines that they could start putting into practice that same day.

The crew during the presentation activity creating constructions with lego pieces.

On Tuesday July 12, at the presentation held at the Itsasmuseum in Bilbao, the rector of the UPV/EHU, Eva Ferreira highlighted the relationship between the university and the sea: “Our university has always been closely linked to life at sea. It has been throughout history through its nautical studies, and it continues to be so now also from biology, through the study of marine conditions, the fight against pollution or the exploitation of the natural resources of the oceans in a rational and sustainable way. Our EHUagenda 2030 project maintains, along with other priorities, sustainability as a basic criterion in the use of the seas, oceans and marine resources, an agenda that I am proud to emphasize is pioneering in the state.”

Part of the crew with the rector of the UPV/EHU, Eva Ferreira.

For his part, the president of the Port Authority of Bilbao, Ricardo Barkala, wanted to highlight the importance of practical teaching in terms of nautical knowledge and talent recruitment: “This course is very special for the Port of Bilbao and its entire port community, because teaching and, in particular, practical teaching in nautical matters is the prelude to the recruitment of new talent for this sector so fundamental for the economy of Bizkaia and Euskadi in general. For this reason, we thank the UPV/EHU for this initiative, so useful, so essential and, at the same time, so beautiful, which will provide its participants with the necessary skills to develop a professional future oriented towards careers related to the sea”.

The academic director of Summer Courses (UIK), Itziar Alkorta, has highlighted the innovative nature of the proposal: “The UPV/EHU Summer Courses embark on the Saltillo to offer an innovative experience to our students. This voyage, organized together with the University of Bordeaux, will serve to learn how to take care of the sea from the experts of the UPV/EHU. In each port there will be a lecture and a visit, open and free, which will show us the different scientific, historical and social aspects from which to approach the care and sustainability of the oceans”.

This course, moreover, is part of the program of the Cursos de Verano Transfronterizos – UNUM, whose first edition will be held in parallel dates in Baiona.

The voyage will also take place on land (Portugalete, Mutriku, Donostia and San Juan de Luz), with free activities open to all audiences and conferences on topics such as the health of the oceans, the conservation of biodiversity and marine resources, the generation of energy through the waves, sustainable aquaculture and tangible and intangible historical heritage of the Basque people and their culture of the sea.

The crew

The open activities are the following: